Wednesday, 14 February 2007

4 - "Use Cases" Research: Toddlers Milestone Chart 13/02/07

Following our last meeting we wanted to expand our knowledge of the understanding and learning of our target age groups. Whilst conducting our research we studied different behaviours in children and their learning techniques ranging from ages 19 months to 36 months.

At 18 months a child is capable of scribbling well and have the ability to read board books independently. At this age they are competent enough to complete tasks such as sorting shapes, colours and sizes into the correct group, likes to gaze at their own reflection, dances to music, can use common objects very well e.g. telephones, respond to given instructions and can become attached to a soft toy or other objects.

At 24 months a child becomes attuned to gender differences and is able to talk about their likes and dislikes. A child is knowledgeable to recognize alphabets and has the ability to set simple goals such as placing toys in a certain place. In addition they can name simple pictures in a book.

At 36 months a child is competent to name colours, draw several shapes such as circles, lines, stick figures, moreover can point to and describe particular objects.

They also have the ability to understand descriptions e.g. big, soft, and small, can recite and comprehend to their own name and are proficient to name particular actions.

Therefore these characteristics have helped us to incorporate several features into our proposed design.

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